Small Mercies and Never Let Me Down Again

Small Mercies and Never Let Me Down Again

I’m hard at work on a KD Thorne book right now, still in the early drafting, but I’m making good progress. After this I’ll write another Travelers book.

In the meantime, two crime books I read last month. 

First off, Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane. The book takes place is Boston during the run up to the school integration of 1974, which was an explosive situation. A young woman from the Irish housing projects goes out with friends and doesn’t come home. The next morning, a young black man is found dead at the nearest subway station. The young woman’s mom starts digging into where her daughter was, who she was with, and what happened to her, while the cops are looking into the black man’s death.

Could not put this book down. The local color, the use of the historical situation, the motivations and desires of the various characters. All wonderful.

Second, Never Let Me Down Again by Mark Dawson. This is number 19 in the John Milton series. Milton is a sort of Equalizer character, only he’s British and on the run from the secret government agency he used to work for.

On this outing, he’s trying to make amends for a hot-headed mistake he made back when he was a soldier that had repercussions for an old friend and, at the same time, help a dying woman find her missing son, all of which leads to facing up against an international consortium of bad players in the outer reaches of Scotland. Complex plot with lots of action. A fun read.

If you want to try a John Milton eBook, number 20, Bulletproof, is $0.99 US today.

Happy reading!

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