September 22, 2020: The Casino Switcheroo

September 22, 2020: The Casino Switcheroo

Here’s another in the series of emails about the thinking behind a Travelers book.

Always looking for a fresh angle to add that extra oomph to a Travelers thriller, that little extra something to make a particular book special. The Casino Switcheroo was no different.

Back in the prequel, The Double Cross, we found out about how the Travelers came to be, and something about the backstory of the young woman who will chose to become, by story’s end, the female half of the team. But we’ve never touched on who the Traveling Man was or what he did before the action that takes place in The Double Cross.

Who trained him? How did his first mentor find him? How does the Traveling Man feel about this mentor? Those are the questions that led to the creation of Alexander Koenig, the master thief who manipulates and cheats everyone, even his own partners.

And what if Koenig had ulterior motives for pulling the Travelers into a high-stakes scam, and the Traveling Man saw this scam as an opportunity to outmaneuver Koenig and steal the score?

That’s how we ended up with the casino heist that isn’t what it appears to be, and the cast of devious players frantically trying to outfox each other so that they can end up with the score and make their escape before the cops close in. It was lots of fun to write, and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

If you haven’t had a chance to dip into The Casino Switcheroo, you can check it out here:

Happy reading!

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