June 17, 2021: The New Book part 2

June 17, 2021: The New Book part 2

The new book is at the copyeditor. It’s not a Travelers book, although it takes place in the Travelers world.

Been wanting to tell you about it for a few months—it’s been hard to hold back—but I wanted to make sure all the pieces of the puzzle fell together properly before saying anything.

This new book, The Hunt for the Hijacked Viruses, follows National Defense Agency operative K.D. Thorne and her colleague Jeffery Blunt as they track down viruses that have been stolen from government labs as part of a money-making scheme that dissolves into an intended terrorist attack.  It’s a trail involving pharma executives, military contractors, white nationalists, and European terrorists.

(You might recall National Defense Agency operative Clara Garcia from Travelers books 6 and 8.)

K.D. is a US army captain with a PhD who’s done a stint at NASA. Blunt is a SEAL-trained special operator. It’s their first mission together, and K.D. has to get her personal life sorted.

In the meantime, last month, I downloaded a copy of LynDee Walker’s Fear No Truth, the first is her Texas ranger Faith McClellan series. I have to admit I didn’t finish it. It was well reviewed and well written. It just didn’t move fast enough for me. (That’s why there’s more than one book. Everyone likes something a little different.)

Instead, I opened a copy of Zoe Sharp’s fourth Charlie Fox novel, First Drop. Charlie Fox is a tough-as-nails British woman, who, on this outing, is a bodyguard for a spoiled Florida teenager and soon finds herself on the run, protecting this teenager from assorted killers, while trying to find the teenager’s father and figure out why the killers are after the boy. Sharp’s plotting, pacing, and character development are first-rate. I’ll be reading more of these.

That’s all for now. Happy reading!

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